The best comments from each of our videos will be copied over here.

TWIN episode 1: The Tour hall of fame:
1) Doomdodo23: Fucked up tree.....

TWIN episode 2: Randomness hall of fame:
1) THEsirduke: flip flops with palm trees, black tiles, dumbass friends, and cameras on crack. what has this world come to......................nega
2) Doomdodo23: Lolx1000000000000000 plz keep this going guys! So funny! Wooooooaaaaah! That is one seriously fucked up tree! Oooooh..... the semen.... Hey is Kaitlyn gonna enter twin? That might be funny!

TWIN episode 3: I Can See the Bubbles hall of fame:
1) THEsirduke: is he on crack wtf

TWIN episode 4: Danceing in the Darkness hall of fame:
1) THEsirduke: you need more tags so people can know that this world is coming to.............NEGA
2) Paulishere94: uh... what's the song? so i know to avoid listening to it when cole's around.

TWIN episode 5: Magical hall of fame:

TWIN episode 6: Magic Joypads hall of fame:
1) Paulishere94: Mark, you're an idiot covering the cards like that, and what the hell is up with the atari controller? I thought those died off with the dinosaurs.

2) THEsirduke: talk about taking it old school

TWIN episode 7: Pyromaniac hall of fame:
1) THEsirduke: don't litter cole it makes people angry ======>

TWIN episode 8: Flick of the wrist hall of fame: